Home Faith News Why Abortion Matters

Why Abortion Matters

The fight for every human life is in the hands of each State.


There is a tangible frustration amongst the laypeople of churches nationwide, who are decidedly fed up with complacent ‘conservative Christian leadership’. Ministers of every stripe, consistently fail to express fervor outside of a cushy pulpit, seemingly refusing to openly and publicly reject the great shame of this country – abortion. 

Church leaders’ willful silence during Covid, influenced by legal pressures, revealed a glaring lack of discernment, but more importantly brought to light how little churches actually do for their community at large. When is the last time you heard of a church having prayer outside the local abortion clinic? Or handing out invites to church and Bibles at an LGBT event?

Church has clearly become a social club, with everyone seeking the ‘platinum’ membership of top conference billing and the most social media followers, characterized one’s connection to (or participation in), the untouchable Green Room ‘fellowship’. The oft-cited scripture, usually quoted to protect the ministry from any introspection or critique is not referring to leaders only, but to all of God’s people: “Touch not my anointed” is a mandate given by God to the enemies of Israel. You may read the entire passage in Psalm 105 here.

Meanwhile, right outside the be-steepled doors of every church in America, the lines of Right v. Wrong are being drawn by decidedly anti-Christ entities, as God’s people simply avoid the fray. As a result, the Left pulls the line ever further towards the abyss of existential nihilism.

The Supreme Court in AZ has taken the most pro-life position in the country as of Tuesday, by lifting the stay of an 160 year-old law that makes aiding an abortion a criminal offense, subject to 2-5 years in prison. In a few short weeks, a new law in Florida will take effect banning all abortions over 6 weeks. So, there are some ‘conservative’ states taking strong action, regardless of the church movement or lack thereof.

We could delve into the nuances of microbiology and the moment life begins in the womb, yet most reasonable individuals can agree that emergency contraception before egg implantation does not end a life. Following this, cells undergo rapid self-duplication, leading to the formation of a new life with detectable DNA.

According to WebMD: It takes about 24 hours for a sperm cell to fertilize an egg. When the sperm penetrates the egg, the surface of the egg changes so that no other sperm can enter. At the moment of fertilization, the baby’s genetic makeup is complete, including whether it’s a boy or girl.

While morality is an impossible thing to mandate, it is sometimes a necessity to make the attempt when dealing with inhumane humans. Murder is wrong and abortion is murder. If the church would loudly take a stand against the murderous platform of genocide on the Left, there is no building yet built that could contain the number of souls that could be saved.


It is time to stop shying away from politics as ‘less than holy’ or worse yet, ‘un-Christlike’, and jump feet first into the spiritual warfare being waged against our families, nation, and the world. 



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