Home Political News Useful Idiots Have Ruined Our Country

Useful Idiots Have Ruined Our Country

Who is really pulling the strings?


Merriam Webster defines a useful idiot as, “a naive or credulous person who can be manipulated or exploited to advance a cause or political agenda.” And it seems there is some level of useful idiocy constantly operating throughout our society at any given moment. The prevalence of said useful idiocy is such that it’s become the autonomous status quo, accepted by the majority, who feel helpless (or remain clueless), to change it.


The most visible ‘useful idiots’ that those on the Left in our government use – ad nauseum – is that of the news media, or as Donald Trump so aptly renamed them ‘Fake News’. The examples of sheer manipulation demonstrated by certain ‘news outlets’ are too numerous to address, but some of the more recent and egregious can be found here.

The government has also, at the behest of the Biden regime, exercised immense power over social media companies, as was exposed by the so-called “Twitter Files”. The information that has exposed the puppet masters also claims that Facebook, now renamed ‘Meta’, amongst others, were very much in cahoots with Democrats. They boosted political posts in favor of their ‘beliefs’, hiding unfavorable posts, and extensively manipulated algorithms to boost the Left and diminish and defame the Right. Fact checkers became a mockery, as they were outed for the ideologues they are, eschewing the truth for a dime.


It is obvious the education system in this country is irredeemable, but the Biden regime has made it even worse. Thumbing his nose at a recent SCOTUS ruling, forbidding the use of tax dollars to repay student loans, Biden did so anyway, and has committed to do more. It’s a pathetic attempt to buy votes, instead of looking at the broken system that charges tens of thousands of dollars to indoctrinate barely literate young people, with bigotry baked right in.

Campuses nationwide are hotbeds of hatred for any dissenting views, but that is never more apparent than when a prominent voice from the Right is invited to speak anywhere on campus. The indoctrinated students then launch violent protests, causing such disruption that free speech is no longer a right enjoyed by all. These are not isolated incidents, but rather the norm across America, which is supposed to be the ‘land of the free.’


Hollywood and entertainers across all mediums have been accused of promoting a one-sided narrative that aligns with liberal viewpoints while demonizing conservative perspectives, particularly those rooted in faith. Characters and storylines in movies and TV shows often reinforce liberal ‘values’, while portraying conservative beliefs in a negative light. This can create an echo chamber effect, where audiences are exposed primarily to liberal viewpoints, potentially reinforcing existing biases and excluding alternative perspectives.

As the industry plays a high-visibility role in reflecting and shaping cultural attitudes, the dominance of progressive perspectives in Hollywood raises important questions about media influence, narrative diversity, and ideological balance. Audiences become more discerning and critical of media representations, the debate over the liberal bias in entertainment is likely to continue shaping discussions about the intersection of entertainment, politics, and society.


When navigating the many pitfalls of the ‘useful idiocy’ at work all around us, we as Americans can take steps to protect ourselves and our families. The number one thing to do is to pray and read the Bible daily. It is much harder to deceive a person who is keeping their discernment double-edged sharp.

The second thing that can be done is simply researching. Let us never again be kowtowed into standing 6’ apart and masking children. Study, learn, and educate others. One of the greatest minds of the 20th century, Albert Einstein, said, “Once you stop learning, you start dying.” 

Remember Romans 1:28: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;


We must not allow ourselves to be manipulated by powers beyond our comprehension or control. If we remain diligent and steadfast, we can instead ‘be the change we wish to see in the world.’ (Ghandi)




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