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Trump Says America Needs More Religion

Trump on popular podcast says he would like to see more religion in this country.

As believers, we understand the critical importance of godly leadership. Our nation, founded on Judeo-Christian values, has been blessed because it was built upon biblical principles that have guided us for centuries. However, in today’s society, we can clearly see a shift away from these foundational truths, leading to a void that only faith in God can fill.

Recently, President Donald Trump shared an important reflection on the role of religion in our country. He said, “Our country is missing a lot of religion. I think it really was a much better place with religion. It was almost a guide. You want to be good to people. Without religion, there’s no real guardrails. I’d love to see us get back to more religion in this country.”

President Trump’s words remind us of the importance of faith in shaping not only our personal lives but the moral direction of our nation. Without faith, we lose the very guardrails that guide us to righteousness, justice, and love for our neighbors. As Christians, we know that when a nation moves away from God, it loses its way (Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish”).

The Call to Pray for Our Leaders

The Bible instructs us in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 to pray for all who are in authority, “that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” Now more than ever, we must lift up our leaders in prayer, asking the Lord to restore their hearts to Him, to uphold biblical values, and to lead our nation back to its Christian roots.

As we approach future elections, it is critical for us, as Christians, to vote for leaders who best reflect our values and will defend the principles on which this nation was founded. Proverbs 14:34 tells us that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” It is our duty to be informed, engaged, and prayerful as we select leaders who will stand for life, liberty, and the protection of religious freedom.

Restoring America to its Christian Foundation

Our forefathers envisioned an America rooted in faith, where the principles of the Bible would guide both our laws and our leaders. As President Trump pointed out, religion served as a moral compass for generations, guiding people to act justly and love mercy (Micah 6:8). We need leaders who recognize the importance of faith and its role in preserving the moral integrity of our nation.

As we continue in prayer for our nation, let us be steadfast in our commitment to raise up Christian leaders who will boldly stand for truth and righteousness. May we work together to ensure that America remains a land where God’s name is honored, and where His people live in peace and freedom.

In the coming days, let us commit to pray for the future of our nation, for the leaders who will be elected, and for a return to the values that have blessed this country for so long.

Take Action

Let us also take action by ensuring that we and those in our communities are registered to vote and ready to make our voices heard. Together, we can make a difference and work toward restoring our nation to one that honors God and upholds His Word.

In a recent episode of The Political Pulpit, host Josh Navarrete delves into the critical topic of leadership rooted in Christian values. As America faces societal changes, many believers are asking a crucial question: Where are the godly leaders who will restore our nation to its foundation in faith?

Drawing inspiration from former President Donald Trump’s remarks on the role of religion in guiding the moral compass of America, Navarrete emphasizes the importance of returning to Christian principles. President Trump recently reflected, saying, “Our country is missing a lot of religion. It was a much better place with religion. I’d love to see us get back to more religion in this country.” His comments strike at the heart of what many believers feel today—a need to bring God back into the public square, into our laws, and into our leadership.

The Need for Godly Leadership

As Christians, we know that the Bible serves as a guide for every area of life, including governance. Proverbs 29:18 states, “Where there is no vision, the people perish,” reminding us that without divine direction, a nation falters. Navarrete encourages believers to reflect on this and to commit to praying for our leaders, as 1 Timothy 2:1-2 instructs: “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions.”

The future of America depends on leaders who will uphold biblical values and protect the freedoms that make this country great. As we move toward future elections, the responsibility to elect godly leaders rests in the hands of the Christian community.

Returning to Christian Foundations

Josh Navarrete’s discussion highlights the growing need for America to return to the principles on which it was founded—principles based on the Bible. He calls on all believers to be vigilant in electing leaders who will stand up for life, liberty, and religious freedom, citing Proverbs 14:34: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

The decline in moral values in society can be attributed to the abandonment of these core beliefs. By encouraging prayer and action, Navarrete urges the Christian community to take part in restoring America to its roots, where God’s guidance was the cornerstone of lawmaking and governance.

Get Involved: Take Action for God and Country

In addition to prayer, Navarrete underscores the need for action. Christians must not only pray but also vote and advocate for policies that align with their biblical values. It’s time to ensure that our communities are engaged, registered to vote, and ready to influence the upcoming elections.

Navarrete’s final call to action is clear: Pray for our leaders, ensure your voice is heard, and take steps to support those who will defend biblical principles. America’s future is bright if we return to the values that have made it strong.



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