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The War of the Words

… God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie… ~ II Thessalonians 2:11


Israel is losing the war of the words in PR in its ongoing struggle with Hamas and the Palestinians Arabs who openly seek the eradication of all Jews, not just Israel, yet continue to enjoy the comforting advocacy of the international community, led by the ideological ‘fake news’.

In a radio interview with Hugh Hewitt Thursday, former President Donald J. Trump, a friend and avid supporter of Israel’s sovereignty and single state solution, said this:

They’re losing the PR war. They’re losing it big. But they’ve got to finish what they started, and they’ve got to finish it fast, and we have to get on with life.

There are multiple points every Israeli official with a platform should be making every time they speak.

One: Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas. Not the other way around. There was no ‘ongoing genocide’ being perpetrated against the Palestinians Arabs residing in Israel. There was/is no ‘open air prison’ over which Israel has control.

Hamas and the ‘Palestinians authorities’ are allowed to make the most outlandish and hyperbolic claims against Israel without any proof, while Israel is held to a different standard entirely.

If the ‘Palestinian’ people feel incarcerated in their own country, they should place the blame squarely on the shoulders of Hamas, who rules that region with all the gravitas of a violent lunatic.

The media outlets of the world, led by the propaganda machine at Al Jazeera, claim that the ‘Palestinian people’ are unwilling participants, living under an untenable tyranny, but a recent poll proves that Hamas still enjoys over seventy percent approval rating from their people. In that same poll, ninety-three percent of ‘Palestinians’ claim they “don’t believe Hamas committed war crimes against Israeli civilians.”

‘Palestinians’ are not innocent bystanders, but rather rabid enablers, using their own families as human shields, if need be, and that fact should be reiterated daily.

Two: Gather the hard totals of civilian deaths at the hands of Hamas and other ‘Palestinian’ barbarians since 1948, and constantly repeat the laundry list of horrors committed against innocent civilians by ‘Palestinians’, because they feel ‘oppressed’.

The truth is they have lost every war with Israel that they themselves have begun, going all the way back over a hundred years, to when British diplomats were interfering with their politics, and making promises they could not keep.Regardless of what ‘Palestine’ has been promised by adversarial interlopers, the archeological and historical record proves that the tiny plot of land Israel now governs has been Israel for at least a thousand years before a vindictive Roman emperor renamed it ‘Palestine’ out of spite for the Jews.

The new alleged ‘crisis’ ‘Palestinians’ invited on themselves is supposedly a looming famine, but the proof any such crisis could possibly materialize, with all of the well-documented aid getting across the borders, is lacking. If the people in Gaza are starving, it is at the hands of the tyrants they willfully submit themselves to, even though it is clear they are evil cowards who use women and children as human shields for their hateful despondency.

The son of a leading Hamas militant, Mosab Yousef, recently said this: “There is no difference between Hamas and the so-called ‘Palestinians’, as the vast majority of them support Hamas. There are no ‘Palestinian’ people. There are conflicted tribes, and without Israel as the common enemy, they would kill each other.”

The third, final point that Israel should be driving home multiple times a day is the fact that any sort of information coming from Hamas and ‘Palestinian’ leadership must be taken with a truckload of salt, as their incessant lies have been repudiated more times than we can count.

Hamas lies. Constantly.

Anyone who thinks Hamas is in any way a reliable source of information coming out of that region is either willfully ignorant or demagogic – neither are desirable traits when seeking diplomacy.

Whatever tactic Israel takes, they need to start right away, because the truth is on their side, if they could only get the truth out there.



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