Home Political News The Quintessential RINO

The Quintessential RINO

Nearing the ‘all is lost’ precipice, as taxes wax, freedoms wane - and RINO’s sell out.


Too many times the Republican Party has revealed themselves as too contentious to maintain a unified front, whilst lacking the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the Left. Self-serving RINO’s abound on the ‘right’ side of the proverbial aisle, and are often found to be derelict of duty, yet face no consequences. It seems the only reason many of these ‘Republicans In Name Only’ seek office is for riches, fame, and undeserved respect. As a result, America suffers for a lack of genuine, courageous, virtuous leadership.

The Left has proven themselves exactly opposite, and that is why our country is in the state it currently finds itself. The Left runs further to the extreme left, pulling RINO’s further and further Left each time. And while the Left invariably benefits from the innumerable comforts afforded them as Americans, they seek to destroy the freedom and prosperity said comforts stem from at every turn.

Now, with soaring prices in every area of the American economy, and no end in sight, Congress intends to send billions of [stolen] tax dollars overseas to protect foreign borders and fight others’ wars.

Unfortunately for conservatives, who constantly find themselves at odds with their feckless ‘representatives’, the RINO’s have done it again and turned their backs on their electors. Letting their constituents down seems to be the one thing that a “Republican In Name Only/RINO” knows how to do well and often.

Mike Johnson, the newly minted Speaker of the House, is the quintessential RINO and just may be the bitterest disappointment of all.

Many conservatives had never even heard of Johnson until he was hailed as the ‘anti-McCarthy’, amidst the contentious ‘motion to vacate’ last fall led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl). When Johnson’s impeccable voting record in the House was researched, conservatives everywhere rejoiced. Finally, someone who consistently landed on the right side of history. What could possibly go wrong?

Apparently, everything has gone wrong. Horribly wrong. In just a few short months of speakership, Johnson has now allied himself with the minority party of progressive Leftists to get some of the most egregiously obtuse bills passed, with little to no Republican support. Somehow, in a very short amount of time, this man with the once-impeccable voting record has now become a flaccid turncoat.

Over the weekend, with the support of the Democrats and Johnson’s new ‘Lefty bestie’, Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), the House passed an enormous spending bill that takes care of anyone and anything that isn’t American.

Once again, the concession comes at the hands of Republicans, and one in particular, Johnson.

So, what do Americans have to show for the new legislation? More surveillance and less privacy, thanks to Johnson and his buddies on the Left. In the not-so-distant past, Johnson himself stated there were thousands of examples of the Feds exploiting FISA – Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act – to spy on Americans, including the most conspicuous case involving Trump and alleged Russian collusion. Warrants deemed unnecessary impediments to more spying, and all funded and approved by Johnson.

To sum it up, America is way worse off for having a ‘Speaker Johnson’, yet President Trump is warning against another ‘motion to vacate’ to replace Johnson at this critical juncture. Meanwhile, Johnson has given the Democrats everything they need to not only re-install Biden, but also to secure both chambers of Congress so that every progressive Left nightmare will be passed into ‘law’ with flying colors.

Clearly, Johnson has either been bribed or blackmailed, and the American people are the ones who will pay the price, billions of times over.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl), who was instrumental in Johnson’s placement, said this just hours before Johnson held the pertinent spending bill vote, “We met for hours last night and proposed different paths for the Speaker that would have avoided the abject surrender represented by this strategic choice – there’s no other way to describe it. It’s surrender. It’s discouraging. I won’t support it, and I’ll encourage others to hold a similar view.”

There is diminishing hope with everyday Americans that anything good will come out of the House now, especially with Johnson at the helm. The recent slew of ‘early retirements’ by Congressional RINO’s is paving the way to the slimmest of majorities in recent history. Very few dominoes remain upright, and the House could end up in the hands of extreme Leftists before summer’s end. If so, the final nail in the coffin of freedom and prosperity will be in place just in time for the Presidential election.

Only God knows what could happen next, but it doesn’t take much discernment to see that it is not anything good. Prophecies are being fulfilled daily before our very eyes, and those of us who thought we were sending representatives to stand in the gap for good, instead have paved the way for evil.



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