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Israel – Finisher of Wars

Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. - JFK


Golda Meir, former PM of Israel once said, “Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.” Unfortunately, nearly one hundred years later, that irrational hatred of Jews and the Israeli state by Palestinians Arabs residing within Israel’s borders has reached critical mass.

The irrational hatred violently and perpetually demonstrated by the Arab and Muslim peoples of the world against Israel and the Jewish people is a hatred that outweighs any love for themselves or others, as is evident by the way they “wage war”. Cowards who slaughter peaceful, defenseless civilians, then run and hide in tunnels that are purposely dug under schools, hospitals, and mosques will never allow the Israeli people the “benefit” of a fair fight. All they know is senseless murder and a crazed appetite for retribution, at all costs, even the lives of fellow Palestinians Arabs living in Israel.

Early in the current conflict, when all major media outlets were reporting that Israel had bombed a hospital, resulting in dead babies and all the horrors that would entail such an unjustifiable action, there was an international outcry and public denouncement, accompanied by violent protests. When the facts confirmed that Hamas had, once again, LIED, the silence from those outspoken critics of Israel was deafening.

One of those critics and fomenter of racist ideologies, Rashida Tlaib, helped propagate the fabricated story, and refused to acknowledge multiple investigations that proved no such atrocity at the hands of the IDF had occurred.

This is the stark reality facing the tiny nation of Israel, surrounded by enemies, many of whom gladly sacrifice their families and the well-being of fellow countrymen, just as long as Jews are killed. After all of the many allowances given to the Palestinians Arabs residing in Israel, it should be clear that fanaticism cannot be negotiated with, and the time has long passed for civility.

At this juncture, whatever Israel must do to protect their people and the peace of their nation, that is their prerogative. The attacks mounted against them on October 7, 2023, conspicuously launched around the same time Biden sent tens of billions to Iran, were a bridge too far for most Israelis, with over 80% currently supporting the utter demise of Hamas.

What must be addressed further is the fact that the Palestinians Arabs residing in Israel are choosing poor leadership, and the vast majority of those who live in Gaza support the destruction of Israel and genocide of all Jews. They send their loved ones into Israel, strapped with suicide vests, and they’re rewarded with lifetime pensions for the atrocities wrought at the hands of their family. If these ideologies are allowed to persist and remain, Israel will never be safe within their own borders.

Meanwhile, in America, the debacle that is the Biden Admin speaks from both sides of their mouth, providing weapons to Israel and aid to Gaza, not to mention the billions sent to Iran, who is the one of the primary benefactors of Hamas. Then, the shrill Left of this country want to dictate battle plans to Israel, all while claiming to support them.

For example, just last week, Chuck Schumer, the only Jewish-American in the Senate, read a tirade against Israel’s – specifically Benjamin Netanyahu – defense stratagem from the Senate floor. According to the NYT: In a speech on the Senate floor, [Schumer] had branded Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel a major impediment to peace in the Middle East and called for elections to replace him.

Currently, world leaders are pressuring Israel to enter into a cease-fire due to an alleged, yet unconfirmed “humanitarian crisis” on the ground in Gaza, which many of the same hope to see segue into “peace”. 

What these same world leaders fail to recognize is the fact that Israel did not ask for war – Hamas did. Now that Hamas is in dire straits, in spite of Israel taking extensive measures to minimize civilian casualties, the willfully ignorant anti-Semites of the international community demand a cessation.

With at least 99 hostages’ lives still hanging in the balance, Israel’s goal remains, and that is the total and utter obliteration of the terrorist group that is Hamas.

In the words of the poet, Dylan Thomas: Do not go gentle into that good night, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Israel must remain resolute in their quest for peace, and ignore the hyperbole and vitriol heaped upon them by the international community, namely America. Israel not only has a right to exist, but to protect said existence. They should not be kowtowed into an enduring failure, in an effort to save obviously murderous barbarians, and Israel should be able to rely on our unwavering support.



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