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Hamas [Hearts] Biden

Biden is speaking out of both sides of his mouth - again, and his duplicity threatens America’s relationship with the single democracy in the Middle East - Israel. READ.


Thursday, in response to an interview with Joe Biden which aired Wednesday evening, Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir Tweeted simply, “Hamas [hearts] Biden.” In 8 hours, the post already has 2.6 million views, yet only a little over 3k posts/quotes and 5.7k likes. (Seems implausible for a viral post of this magnitude, but I digress.)

Ben-Gvir’s post comes in response to yet another softball CNN interview Wednesday with Joe Biden, in which he reiterated his vow that he would not supply the weapons that Congress had agreed to send to Israel, if Israel decides to go into Rafah without his express approval. Biden’s disingenuous caveat to Israel’s ongoing military campaign could irreparably fracture the vital relationship with America’s single democratic ally in the region.

Here at home, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), in a Senate hearing with Biden military leaders on Wednesday said this, “If we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of Israel at a time of great peril, we will pay a price. This is obscene. It is absurd. Give Israel what they need to fight the war they can’t afford to lose.”

Begin at 2m10s.

The Israel Hayom news said this regarding the potential revocation of support by the Biden administration:

Political leaders Thursday reaffirmed Israel’s determination to eliminate Hamas and secure the return of hostages held by the terror organization after US President Joe Biden threatened to withhold weapon shipments if the IDF entered Rafah.

“Israel will continue to fight Hamas until its destruction. There is no more just war than this,” Foreign Minister Israel Katz tweeted. His fellow Likud lawmaker Dudi Amsalem warned “whoever kills Jews will die,” suggesting Israel would press forward undeterred.


While not commenting officially, Netanyahu tweeted his speech from Yad Vashem from a few days earlier in which he vowed that Israel would fight Hamas without bowing to any external pressure.

While US and worldwide college campuses are in a veritable uproar over the protection of bloodthirsty terrorists, the American people overwhelmingly support Israel, though not as vocal as the opposition. The Harvard CAPS-Harris survey has consistently returned numbers that are favorable to Israel, with the most recent poll showing that 80% of Americans support Israel.

If you just consider what’s going on in the violent fomentation of ignorance on college campuses, you may be persuaded to believe that the support is overwhelmingly for the barbaric terrorists, Hamas. That is why it is so important for all concerned citizens to have a diversified consumption of news sources, so as to get a clearer picture of the situation, all while continuing to expand one’s education on the complex inner-workings of Israel’s perpetual fight for survival.

Mere hours after Biden stood in DC’s Holocaust Memorial Museum and claimed unwavering support for Israel’s cause, the interview of him aired recanting said support for Israel, given his demands are or are not met. The silky-soft interview was conducted by someone who amounts to a Biden administration fanatical acolyte, Erin Burnett of CNN, and little to no push-back was ascertained with her in the driver’s seat.

That juxtaposition of “yes, we support you” yet “only if you play our way” neatly sums up the presidency in progress that was heaved upon the American people, history will prove, was against our will. If things continue on this two-faced, confusing trajectory, the US will be further weakened on the world stage, not to mention the absolute hell it unleashes via the Hamas-loving mob here at home.

America has become too soft and too comfortable, and if we are not careful, it will be too late to right the ship. The time is NOW to respond to this administration’s ongoing assault on decency, truth, and the rule of law. Time to make the majority’s will known.

To quote the post-apocalyptic novel Those Who Remain, “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times; good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”



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