Home Global News Hamas Defeat Inevitable – Unless Israel Concedes To Their Lunatic Demands

Hamas Defeat Inevitable – Unless Israel Concedes To Their Lunatic Demands


Monday, Israel finally launched its long-awaited military campaign into what they hope is the final stronghold of Hamas, the city of Rafah. Located 19 miles southwest of Gaza City, it is home to the single border crossing, linking Egypt to the land of Israel, and the place where Hamas smuggles most of their weapons used to fight Israel.

For weeks, there have been ongoing ceasefire negotiations, mediated by neighboring Arabic nations, the US, Israel and others – but when Hamas finally ‘agreed’ to a deal, it was because they had changed key aspects in the fine print. They added the phrasing ‘dead or alive’ as an eventuality, in regards to the state of the hostages they would be releasing. Israel had already given many concessions, including lowering their expectations of innocent hostages released from 40 to 33, and upping the number of convicted murderers and other criminals they would be releasing back to Hamas.

For each hostage Hamas releases, it has demanded 30 criminals in return, inadvertently admitting that Israeli lives are worth more by their own standard. Convicted murderers, amongst other heinous criminals, are the types of convicts Israel has agreed to release back to Hamas in this and previous negotiations. Back in 2011, Israel did a similar exchange, for which they agreed to receive Israeli remains, in exchange for Yahya Sinwar, who thanked them by coordinating the October 7th attacks on Israel.

Hamas, after much delaying (likely in order to prepare for the inevitable Rafah offensive), and with the aid of the propagandists in the ‘mainstream media’, supposedly agreed to a ceasefire Monday. This has caused more upheaval in the US, with pro-‘Palestinian’ protesters wreaking havoc across the nation, now latching onto the misinformation that Hamas accepted a ceasefire, yet Israel proceeded into Rafah irrespective of supposed agreement.

Meanwhile, the likely illegitimate leader of the US, Joe Biden, is now interfering with the aid Congress promised to Israel, through legislative means, and he has unilaterally undertaken a punitive stance to Israel’s promised campaign into Rafah. Biden, who is conflicted on all sides, continues to try to ride the fence of remaining true to his commitment to Israel versus appeasing the racist anti-Semites in his own party.

Biden’s handing out money and weapons to so many different sides, he has no idea whether he is coming or going, which is hard enough with the obvious mental acuity issues he contends with daily. 

As the war rages on, and in light of Holocaust Memorial Day, Biden finally condemned anti-Semitism on US college campuses and reminded everyone that Hamas began the war. Talk about too little too late.

That fact that Hamas started this war, is not only important fact, but an unimpeachable truth. Hamas began the war on October 7th, then promptly ran away like the cowards they are to seek shelter behind the innocent civilians they apprehended in the process, in addition to the schools, hospitals, and fellow so-called ‘Palestinians’ they had already appropriated for missile fodder. They filmed their atrocities of their own volition, proudly sharing on social media, so as to reap the rewards Hamas bestows upon terrorists – the more reprehensible the act, the more money they and their families receive.

The ability to grasp the magnitude of Hamas’s irrational hatred for Israel can only begun to be realized when viewing the hours of said video evidence. For example: beheading innocent civilians, raping women openly, roasting babies alive, and killing entire families for mere sport. Some of the captured terrorists admitted they had been given chemical substances that would lower inhibitions, but regardless, their heinous acts are unforgivable, and Hamas should be wiped off the face of the earth as a result.

This obliteration of Hamas has been conflated with an alleged ‘genocide’ being perpetrated on Gaza, when in fact Israel’s entire goal has been the utter decimation and eradication of the terror group known as Hamas, not a ‘genocide’ on so-called ‘Palestinians’. How that looks in the future, with so many of their convicted terrorists being released with each new deal, is anybody’s guess, but Israel should deal with them quickly and effectively, leaving no one to fill the hateful gap that would be left at Hamas’s destruction.

If Israel backs down in any way, it will not bode well for them. This has been proven time and time again over the past hundred years, from the earliest pacifists who gave back so much of the land won fair and square in conflicts Israel did not start, to the present pacifists who would give so-called ‘Palestinians’ their own state, in spite of their obvious inability to self-govern without the use of terrorism. Israel did not start the war, but they are finishing it, so long as they maintain the intestinal fortitude to stand alone, if necessary.

If not, Hamas will re-emerge and continue to terrorize Israel, Israel will continue to be attacked by people they once had imprisoned, and the pacifist faction of Israel will continue to push for a ‘two state solution’, which is an untenable solution for Israel’s security.

And history repeats itself, when nothing is learned from past mistakes.



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