Home Faith News Faith in God – The Solution to the Border Crisis

Faith in God – The Solution to the Border Crisis


As the crisis on the border waxes ever hopeless, a plucky Christian movement is arising and taking a new approach to the many ills that scathe America’s volatile border with Mexico.

In an article written by the Washington Times, faith leader, Pastor Tony Suarez is quoted as follows:

“The only answer to the issues plaguing our southern border is Jesus,” Mr. Suarez told Think Eternity News. “For the last 40 years, our elected officials campaigned on the issue of border security, immigration control and immigration reform. And then, once they’re elected, they do absolutely nothing about the issue. So, while we continue to put our hope in them to do something that they haven’t done, the church has to be reawakened. Our hope is not in man. It’s not in a man-made government. It has to be in God.”

Organizations from all over the United States and the world have seen our Southern border as an opportunity to enrich themselves and the entities they represent. Others see each person who encroaches on our land as a potential voter in an upcoming election, flush with resources funded by taxpaying citizens, now supposedly chomping at the bit to show their “gratitude” at the polling place.

Yet, another chapter in the saga at the border is just beginning to unfold, and as the crisis continues to escalate to a fever pitch, an undercurrent of spiritual change has begun to manifest itself. Revivalmaker founder and COO of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Suarez has taken his burden for the lost to a whole new level at the extreme Southern border. Undeterred by rising violence and chaos, instead Suarez is offering illegal aliens an alternative path to do the right thing, beginning with surrender to Jesus Christ, by hosting a traveling tent revival along the border, with the next stop in McAllen, TX.

Currently, the tent revival is traveling from border town to border town, not to condone and enable the breaking of our national laws, but rather to do the most important work – feeding the souls who are already here, regardless of the politics and logistics of how they arrived. Jesus says in Mark 13:10, “…the gospel must first be preached to all nations.” 

Suarez stated in an interview with CBN that they’re going to “bypass the donkeys and elephants” [in Washington D.C.] and take the border issue directly to the only One Who can do something about it.

Suarez gathered a “Prayer Army” together ahead of the revival, and they drove along the TX border with Mexico, praying for peace and stability in a place where mayhem and instability has become a political game for untouchable elites.

In his interview with CBN, Suarez makes the salient point that a huge part of the problem with illegal immigration is greedy American employers, who flout the law by hiring those who are not justifiably validated to work in the States. The problem has ballooned to a much larger one under the Biden administration, as illegal aliens flood “sanctuary” cities and states across the country, causing citizens of every stripe to speak out against it.

The strain on our healthcare system alone has been immense, as anyone who has had to see a doctor lately can attest. Hospitals, from A to Z, are completely overwhelmed with illegals using the ER as a de facto doctor’s office, knowing they can’t be turned away, nor will they be forced to pay. That issue alone has caused many hospitals around the country to close their doors forever, hurting the communities they are meant to serve, and further straining a system that had too few hospitals to begin with.

The numbers of illegals crossing our border continues to be fluid and ambiguous, but an average of the more reliable sources places the number in the millions since Biden revoked common sense Executive Orders Trump had put in place.

One such EO Trump had successfully initiated was the “remain in Mexico” policy. When Mexico balked at the idea of dealing with the disorder they happily foisted upon America daily, Trump applied diplomatic and economic pressure to force everyone to the table. At the end of the day, the policy was a huge success, yet Biden promptly removed those obstacles and literally threw the doors open for anyone and everyone who wants to cross. The number of known terrorists caught crossing is alarming, but the unknown number who “got away” is downright terrifying.

Jesus is the answer to all aforementioned concerns and more, and He is the best only solution now being offered in earnest by evangelicals from across the nation. The highest calling and final Word Jesus gave His disciples here on earth in Mark 16:15, “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” As the modern church pursues a continuation of that edict, the current mission is clearly to “reach and preach” at the border to innumerable souls in despair – at all costs.

James O’Keefe said so succinctly, “If your price is not your life, then you are for sale.” The path is clear, and the work aplenty, for those who wish to live a life of worship in Spirit and in Truth.



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