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Election Dichotomy


Why 2024 could be the most contentious, if not final, election in our country’s history.

The stark contrast between the leading candidates for this year’s Presidential election – Donald Trump and “his opposition” – was on full display in New York yesterday, as Trump’s opposition attended a star-studded fundraiser while Trump himself attended the funeral of an NYPD cop, who was murdered by a repeat felon.

As Trump’s “opposition” was propped up by the glitz and glamour of the Left, President Trump was comforting the officer’s surviving family, victims of yet another senseless crime in New York. 

A rematch for the ages, yet these two men and their platforms could not be more divergent. Both are old. Both are white. Both are “rich”. And that is where the similarities end. Abruptly.

Trump’s “opposition” exhibits alarming signs of dementia, amongst other frailties. He has repeatedly fallen, acted confused, and often becomes easily angered – all telltale signs of dementia.

Trump, (an energetic 77 years-old), meanwhile, is in court most days, fending off the “lawfair” “the opposition’s” DOJ is waging 24/7 against him, in addition to campaigning and hosting rallies across the country, attended by the tens of thousands.

Both are white, yes, but the claim that Trump is a racist is unfounded in reality, while his opposition is widely recorded as being friendly with KKK wizards, opposing integration as a senator, and using POC as props in his narrative – plus much more. The Left and their cohorts in the media play their demagoguery well when it comes to “race in the race”, as “the opposition” is forgiven his many trespasses and Trump is never given the benefit of the doubt. Still, they are both white, which the Left has made a matter of importance with their constant race baiting.

Both are rich, but Trump made his money in the private sector, helping to create the skyline of NYC and employ thousands across the country at various properties. On the other hand, his “opposition” became a millionaire as a lifelong “public servant”. With no business or product to speak of, the Biden family, with Sleepy Joe at the helm, have lived very comfortable lives, funded by a litany of suspect transactions, the exposure of which is supported by an ever-growing mountain of evidence and witnesses. No indictments or charges have been filed against the Bidens, while Trump and his family and supporters are persistently trolled by demagogic DA’s, whose sole purpose is their ruination.

Logic requires we posit “the opposition’s” seeming invincibility, no matter their crimes, against the multiple court cases for NON-offenses against Trump, and it is plain to see the injustice and inequality clearly demonstrated in the most sadistic, corrupt manner.

No matter what “the opposition” does, he’s revered and celebrated. No matter what Trump does, he is disrespected and denigrated. Anything Trump says is instantaneously misconstrued and purposely misunderstood by the “mainstream” media. Any time “his opposition” misspeaks LIES, (every time he opens his mouth), his words are “interpreted” into a flowery positive and then explained away as harmless.

The differences between these two candidates are many, but the aforementioned are the most disparate and egregious. For those who value truth and logic, the choice is clearly Donald J. Trump, but for the willfully ignorant, blinded voter, “his opposition” is more palatable.

Discernment and resolve will be necessary going forward, as the Church navigates these contentious, unprecedented waters.

Covid should have shaken the Church to its core, but it barely registered a tremor, as everyone “went along to get along”. The subsequent Summer of Love saw no obvious counteroffensive from the “Righteous Right”, when the opportunity so clearly presented itself. Persecution of J6 rioters protesters, in addition to extensive “lawfair” against Trump and anyone in his orbit has elicited nothing but groaning and complaining from Believers, and still no action.

The choices ahead for God’s people are at once surreal and serious. Will we as citizens who serve a just and mighty God continue to allow injustice to prevail and abound around us? Are we going to continue to hope for the best and expect the worst – doing nothing either way? What is it going to take to awaken the sleeping giant of faithful believers, and realize the revival that is at hand all around us?

God is the only way forward, and when the Church realizes we must lead the way, that is when the inevitable crash course our country has been on for years can be corrected. If God be for us, who then can be against us?

What will it finally take?

If Sleepy Joe “wins” again, we may just find out.



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