Home Political News Bidenomics: A Disaster On Purpose?

Bidenomics: A Disaster On Purpose?


Average Americans are familiar with the adage “Waste not, want not” from personal experiences and observations, yet the simple wisdom it embodies seems untenable in the current state of national and world economies. Amid the current economic challenges, unfortunately, each spent penny feels like a significant loss for a majority of most average Americans.

When it comes to the mindset and concerns of the average American, clearly Biden, being an ignoramus of gargantuan proportions, cannot possibly relate. His substantive naïveté never shines more brightly than when he addresses the country’s growing economic concerns.

Consequently, individuals like Sleepy Joe and the sycophants who keep him artificially propped up, seem disconnected from everyday struggles, displaying a lack of understanding of the economic hardships faced by many. This discrepancy is further exemplified by Biden’s limited professional experience outside of ‘public service,’ juxtaposed with allegations of exploiting his position for personal gains and benefiting his family for decades through dubious schemes.

Despite efforts on the Left and in the media to dismiss claims of corruption and political favoritism, mounting evidence suggests otherwise, implicating Biden and his family members in questionable dealings.

Disregard for economic realities, combined with a quest for power, underscores a concerning trend that predates the current administration, extending back to a time when his former boss, Obama, promised ‘fundamental change’.

The current trajectory of inflation is reminiscent of the Carter era, with new policies under the Biden administration appearing to further exacerbate the situation deliberately. There seems to be a covert agenda aiming to erode our independence and foster reliance on governmental support.

This shift was notably evident on President Biden’s first day, marked by the termination of the Keystone pipeline project, resulting in huge job losses and increased dependence on foreign energy sources. Energy prices have surged by over 30% during his tenure, yet the relentless campaign against fossil fuels persists without sound scientific backing.

The recent inflation data for March 2024 reveals a substantial year-over-year increase, significantly impacting ordinary citizens nationwide. To rectify the economic challenges, a pivotal decision looms in November to remove President Biden from office.

In this climate of pervasive uncertainty, it is imperative to combat the never-ending onslaught of misinformation with facts, stand against prevailing chaos, and align one’s self with the Beacon of Truth that remains steadfast. As God’s chosen people, living in these perilous times, we are called to illuminate perspectives grounded in Biblical wisdom.

As stated in II Thessalonians 2:11-12, the passage underscores the consequences of embracing falsehood over truth. It reads in the KJV as follows:

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Championing truth requires vigilance, empathy, and a commitment to enlightening others both temporally and spiritually, amid the prevailing darkness in times like these. If there was ever a time to be engaged with the world around us, it is now. The Word of God says, in Esther 4:14For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?



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