Friday, October 18, 2024

Anti-Israel College Protests Highlight Proliferation of Ignorance

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.


Noam Chomsky is famously quoted as saying, “Education is a system of imposed ignorance.” This statement has never been more demonstrably true as it has become in recent weeks, ans elite institutions of ‘higher learning’ are bombarded across the nation with astonishing levels of ignorance.

Remarkably, or perhaps not, these protests seem to rear their ugly head around the same time of year, with the best weather, and only in election years. For example: in 2020, it was Black Lives Matter; in 2022, uproar when SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade.

Since October 7, 2023, the entire world has been on a roller coaster of support for Israel vs. condemnation for Israel. Unfortunately, the condemnation has reached a fever pitch of late, with the help of massive protests on US college campuses, calling for ‘intifada’ and ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’. Most protesters cannot name the river or the sea, nor can they accurately define ‘intifada’, but that doesn’t quell their verve.

These are ignorant, inflammatory statements, which not only call for the death of Israel as a nation but seek the ultimate obliteration of all Jews across the world. It boggles the mind that anyone would support such an agenda, but college students can be stubborn in their ignorance, refusing to have a reasoned discussion about anything they disagree with.

Hamas began the uproar on 10/07/2023, when it launched an unprovoked attack against the innocent civilian population of Israel, killing over 1,200 people, and taking hundreds more hostage. The attack came just weeks after the Biden administration released billions of dollars to Iran, who has been a financier of Hamas’s ongoing terror and guerrilla warfare in the Gaza Strip. Less than a month after the attacks, Biden released another $10 billion to Iran, who thanked the US by massive demonstrations, chanting ‘Death to the Great Satan (America)’ and ‘Death to the Little Satan (Israel, our ally)’.

Conversely, and quite hypocritically, the Biden administration also sends billions in aid to Israel, as our single democratic ally in the Middle East, and the only nation who’s under constant attack from its hostile neighbors.

The fact that Hamas began this war and uses the ‘Palestinian’ people as human shields in order to provoke a sense of ‘genocide’ is somehow lost on ‘educated elites’ in America.

This evidence is widely ignored by the willfully ignorant demonstrators on college campuses across the country, and they are completely unwilling to have a reasoned discussion about any of the events, nor are they willing to back down.

Unfortunately, there have been very few counter-protesters, and the one time in recent weeks that counter-protesters made a notable stand, at UCLA this past week, the media called them ‘agitators’, while sympathizing with the hateful [filthy] protesters whose actions begged righteous retribution.

The long history of conflict in Israel is too complex to summarize succinctly, but suffice it to say, in addition to the Bible, multiple contemporaneous historical accounts recorded Israel as ‘home’ of the Hebrews, AKA ‘Jews’. The earliest known record, the Merneptah Stele, erected in honor of a successful Egyptian military campaign in 1208 B.C., confirms its existence as the ‘land of Israel’.

Unfortunately, few of the students now demonstrating can accurately recite the history of the land in dispute.

Speaking of inaccuracy, Biden, after nearly two weeks of chaos, finally addressed the protests by saying the US dedication to Israel would [somehow] not be affected, and with a straight face claimed ‘violent protest is not protected’. This is merely bloviation for bloviation’s sake. Each and every protest has broken the law, by inciting violence, disturbing the peace, infringing on other’s property rights, and last but not least, eruptions of violence aimed at police and counter-protesters.

It seems for the foreseeable future that these protests will continue, and as such, present an optimal opportunity for those who love the truth and strive to be more like Jesus, Who came to ‘seek and to save that which is lost’. While protests get the headlines, there are many hurting young people, searching for meaning in this crazy world, who need prayer, support, and a Bible study on the plan of salvation. It is a pivotal moment in the war against unseen ‘principalities and powers’, and God’s people should be at the forefront, leading the charge for truth and light in a dark, confusing world.

If you are near one of the college campuses, get a group together, ‘armed’ only with the Word of God, and enable a shift in the entire direction of the country, one soul at a time, by giving Bible studies, singing emotive worship songs, and above all, showing love and mercy.

There is no time like the present, and it is high time that the church fulfills the mandate bestowed upon us with Jesus’s final command here on earth – ‘Go’ – Mark 16:15-20.

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